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  • What is the Christian Science Nursing Care Endowment?
    In the spirit of brother helping brother, this nonprofit fund provides financial assistance to Christian Scientists in Southern California who need Christian Science nursing care but cannot afford it. It provides for Christian Science nursing assistance in a facility or at home.
  • Why is a Christian Science Nursing Care Endowment needed?
    It is a privilege of Christian Scientists to rely radically on spiritual healing. Those wishing to avail themselves of Christian Science healing should not be deprived for financial reasons alone. It is appropriate for the Christian Science community to come together to ensure that access to Christian Science nursing care not be restricted by private insurance limits, medically oriented government programs or rising care costs.
  • What are the objectives of the fund?
    To promote immediacy in healing by financially supporting access to a spiritual environment conducive to healing. To support Article VIII, Section 31 of The Manual of The Mother Church by Mary Baker Eddy, “Christian Science Nurse”. To care for our own – Christian Scientists helping Christian Scientists. To assist in demonstrating for all mankind the efficacy of Christian Science healing.
  • Who qualifies for assistance?
    Southern Californians desiring Christian Science nursing care who have established financial need through an application process may qualify (Southern California is defined by the zip code range of 90000 to 93599). They must be receiving care from a qualified Christian Science nurse at home or in a facility, and must be working with a Journal-listed Christian Science practitioner. The fund benefits individuals by distributing aid directly to the care provider.
  • How is eligibility determined?
    An application establishing genuine need and commitment to spiritual healing is submitted to the Endowment Board. The application must be signed by a facility representative or the Christian Science nurse who is providing the home care. The Endowment Board of Directors makes the determination based on individual need and available resources. The Board feels that the primary responsibility for meeting the Christian Science nursing costs rests with the patient/family/custodian who are encouraged to explore every possible avenue for support from their branch church, Christian Science student association, insurance, deferred payment, and assignment of assets. Initially, the Endowment helps defray Christian Science nursing costs only, not associated bills such as food and lodging, assisted living, or rest and study. As the Endowment grows, it may assist with other care expenses.
  • How will the endowment fund be enlarged?
    It will grow with contributions from individuals, foundations, corporations, nonprofit organizations, churches, and Christian Science student associations. The Endowment is recognized by the State of California and the IRS as a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization. The fund is approaching $3,000,000 toward the initial target of $10,000,000, the amount needed to generate enough income to meet the current estimated need.
  • How does this coordinate with the fundraising efforts of the nursing facilities and other similar organizations?
    Currently facilities must raise funds for patients unable to meet all care costs. As the Endowment provides more support, that need should decline. However, many facilities may still wish to raise money for other purposes.
  • How does the Endowment differ from The Principle Foundation and The National Fund for Christian Science Nursing?
    The Christian Science Nursing Care Endowment distributes funds only to Southern California Christian Scientists needing nursing care. Being an endowment, the fund distributes income only from its investments, leaving all contributions permanently intact. The Principle Foundation offers grants to individuals nationwide for employment, repairs, rent, and utilities as well as Christian Science practitioners. The National Fund for Christian Science Nursing offers grants to individuals who need help in paying for their Christian Science nursing care, whether in a home or at a facility.
  • How can I get more information and an application form?
    You can download an application from this website or ask for an application form your branch church care committee, practitioner, facility, or Christian Science nurse. Call (714) 687-5313. Send an email to Or write to: Christian Science Nursing Care Endowment P.O. Box 5621 Pasadena, CA 91117

"Sunland is grateful for the Christian Science Nursing Care Endowment. It has blessed those seeing spiritual healing who need financial assistance and the facilities/nurses that have provided the care. The generosity of contributors and the dedicated work of this organization, like ripples in a pond, go out with blessings."


"The Visiting Nurse Service for Christian Scientists in Los Angeles County believes the Christian Science Nursing Care Endowment fills a vital need for individuals relying on spiritual means for healing."


"In a most generous way, the Nursing Care Endowment meets a genuine need by providing financial assistance to Christian Scientists in Southern California. There are many individuals in need of a Christian Science Nurse or nursing facility, who cannot afford this help. Therefore, it is indeed a welcome support to those who are relying on God for healing."


P.O. Box 5621

Pasadena, CA 91117


(714) 687-5313

2018 CSNCE

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